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Tjakamarra, Ginger, b. 1940
Winampa artist who lived on an outstation at Wadiyawanu (New Bore) and painted for Papunya Tula Artists from the early 1980s.
Tjakamarra, Joe
Luritja artist who lived at Mt Liebig (NT) and occasionally painted for Papunya Tula.
Kunti Kunti, Jack Tjampijinpa, b. 1940
Pintupi artist who painted for Papunya Tula Artists and the Centre for Aboriginal Artists throughout the 1980s. His work is in the collection of the ...
Doonday, Bill Tjampitjin, b. 1930
Ngarti speaker who paints for Warlayirti Artists in Balgo (WA). His work often makes reference to Men's Law and is recognised for its figurative elements.
Green, Albert Tjampitjin, b. 1925
Kukatja artist who painted for Warlayirti Artists and lived in Mulan (WA). His work reflects a deep knowledge of Men's Law business.
Milner, Boxer Tjampitjin, b. 1934
One of the more consistent and successful painters working out of Billiluna, Boxer Tjampitjin Milner paints Water Dreaming stories of his traditional country of Sturt ...
Tjampitjin, Sunfly, b. 1920
A Kukatja artist who was painting in Balgo several years before the establishment of Warlayirti Artists in that community. He designed a powerful mosaic for ...
Brown, Jimmy Tjampitjinpa, b. 1946
Papunya Tula artist who grew up walking the bush until he was ten or twelve years old. His paintings depict Tingari stories from around Yumari ...
Inkamala, Ray Tjampitjinpa, b. 1920
Pintupi/Luritja artist from Illpili who worked as a stockman before joining Papunya Tula Artists in the early 1980s. Close friend and associate of Dick Pantimas. ...
Jackson, Shorty Tjampitjinpa, b. 1950
Kintore artist who painted for Papunya Tula Artists, the company his father Uta Uta Tjangala initiated with fellow Pintupi and other tribesmen.
Kelly, Norman Tjampitjinpa, b. 1938
A Warlpiri artist and senior man at Mt Liebig (NT) where he occasionally painted for Papunya Tula Artists in the mid 1980s. He primarily painted ...
Nolan, Dinny Tjampitjinpa, b. 1930
Joined Papunya painting group in the mid 1970s with encouragement from his cousins Billy Stockman and Clifford Possum and his 'brother' Kaapa Tjampitjinpa. He went ...
Tjampitjinpa, Maxie, b. 1945
Warlpiri artist who began painting for Papunya Tula in 1980 under the expert instruction of Mick Tjakamarra. He went on to win the Northern Territory ...
Tjampitjinpa, Anatjari, b. 1927
A pioneering painter with Papunya Tula Artists, and influential in the spread of painting to Balgo WA. His work featured in landmark exhibitions, such as ...
Bush, George Tjangala, b. 1940
Luritja/Anmatyerre artist who was also a police tracke. He was an associate of the original group of painters in Papunya in the early 1970s and ...
Gordon Downs, Johnny Tjangala, b. 1940
Tjaru artist who paints for Warlayirti artists in Balgo (WA). His paintings often produce an optical effect and evoke a strong feeling of the artist's ...
Major, Riley Tjangala, b. 1945
One of a new generation of Pintupi artists who began working for Papunya Tula Artists after the establishment of the Pintupi homeland settlement at Kintore ...
Minor, Richard Tjangala, b. 1950
Pintupi artist Richard Minor began painting his Snake and Emu Dreamings for for Papunya Tula Artists in the late 1980s. He has lived at Papunya, ...
Mutji, Michael Tjangala, b. 1940
Kukatja speaker of Balgo Hill and a committed artist of Warlayirti Artists. He was the head of a household of Balgo painters.
Tjangala, George, b. 1925
Born in Pintupi country, and based for times at Haasts Bluff, Papunya, Brown's Bore and on his own outstation at Ngutjulnga, Tjangala joined Papunya Tula ...