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F., B.
B. F.'s 1848 pencil and watercolour drawing of three horses' heads is held in the Mitchell Library, pasted in Henrietta Octavia Lamb's Sydney album.
Fanning, Charles, b. 1815
Charles Fanning taught drawing on the Isle of Jersey before a stay of approximately five years painting and drawing in Sydney. He then moved to ...
Bland, G., b.
G. Bland did not stay long in Victoria but it is known that he worked as a portrait painter in Melbourne and Geelong. It was ...
Garling, Frederick, b. 1806
Earning his living working at Customs House, Frederick Garling only had early mornings and weekends to spend on his painting yet he was regarded as ...
Angas, George French, b. 1822
A watercolour and natural history painter, many of Angas's sketches from his travels as a naturalist in the mid 1800s became the basis for lithographic ...
Cruikshank, George, b. 1792
19th century English cartoonist who drew several cartoons with colonial Australian themes.
Elder, Gershom, b.
A portrait painter who lived and worked in Melbourne in the 1840s. He obviously didn't prosper as he died in 1853 in debt to his ...
Gilbert, Francis, b. 1820
As tutor to John Cotton, he used his employer's photographic equipment to make daguerreotype portraits but later moved to Geelong to work as a surveyor. ...
Gilbert, George, b. 1815
George Gilbert founded the first magazine in Victoria, and helped found the Melbourne debating society. He was a multi-talented artist, but was eventually declared bankrupt. ...
Gould, Elizabeth, b. 1804
After she asked who would draw the plates on stone, her husband answered 'Why, you, of course!' Thus began a large series of hand-coloured lithographs ...
Goupil, Ernest, b. 1814
Well known for his cheerful and generous nature, Goupil had a passion for adventure and sailed as the official artist on Dumont d'Urville's expedition to ...
Errington, Eliza Helen, b. 1808
A painter and sketcher who lived in Tasmania where lithographer John Skinner Proust was regarded as a key influence on her work. She also spent ...
Allport, Henry Curzon, b. 1788
Watercolour painter. He was a contemporary and pupil of John Glover and brother to Joseph Allport, sister-in-law to Mary Morton Allport. Member of the Old ...
Burn, Henry, b. 1807
Burn's watercolour and oil landscapes demonstrate his success in capturing the changing effects of light and atmosphere as well as incorporating interesting contemporary details.
Glover, Henry, b.
Watercolour painter of landscapes and portraits. Resided in Adelaide.
Gregory, Henry Gregory, b. 1813
Influential Colonial era Benedictine Abbot and amateur sketcher.
Gritten, Henry, b. 1818
Henry Gritten was a painter and professional photographer. He 'enjoyed the favour of Prince Albert, the Duke of Norfolk and the Marquis of Westminster'. Gritten ...
Hainsselin, Henry, b. 1820
Painter, engraver, lithographer and photographer, born in England and moved to the Ballarat goldfields in 1853. Taught art in Melbourne in the late 1870s-mid 1880s ...
Zouch, Henry, b. 1811
Superintendent Zouch was in charge when the anti-Chinese riots erupted on the Lambing Flat (Young) goldfields in 1860-61. Zouch's only identified sketch is a watercolour ...
Bloxsome, Henrietta E.
Living in Australia for roughly two decades in the mid-19th century, a number of Henrietta Bloxsome's works survive in national collections. They variously depict scenes ...