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Solly, Benjamin Travers, b. 1820
A well-connected colonial official for most of his life, Solly was an accomplished sketcher and watercolourist with representation in significant collections.
Dowling, William Paul, b. 1824
William Paul Dowling was a painter, engraver and photographer. In 1849 he was transported to Hobart Town as a political prisoner. Dowling worked in partnership ...
Morris, William Knibb, b. 1833
Sketcher, amateur photographer and salesman from Tasmania. Morris retained an interest in photography all his life.
Schuëtz, William, b. 1834
Art and language teacher, taught French, Italian, German, Spanish and drawing in Tasmania in the late 1850s and early 1860s.
Winter, Alfred, b. 1837
Alfred Winter was a sketcher and professional photographer. He exhibited at the 1866 Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition and was awarded an honourable mention for his work. ...
Woods, Julian Edmund Tenison, b. 1832
Scientist and Roman Catholic priest, Woods was skilled at detailed sketches of his specimens and often sent them in with his scientific publications. His ecclesiastical ...
Woolley, Charles Alfred, b. 1834
Charles Alfred Woolley was a professional photographer and sketcher. He was one of the photographers appointed to cover the Hobart Town visit of the Duke ...