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by McKay, Carolyn.

Covert was a solo show presenting a series of four videos filmed covertly by Carolyn during her time in Japan. These videos seek to reveal ...

Covert 7 city

by Jones, Tim.

340 x 206 x 250 cm A(irreg.) 43 x 53 x 26 cm B(irreg.)

Multi-media, wood , bitumen, steel, lead, ink, paint, cord

Cows in Brigalows

by Macqueen, Kenneth.

38 x 44.5cm


Cox, Alice
Nineteenth century Queensland sketcher.
Cox, Clara
Nineteenth century amateur artist from Bathurst

by Sandon, Karen Valerie.

Part of the major work 'Mutations'. 250 x 250mm intaglio image on 380 x 555mm Dutch Etch paper. Edition of 6

Printmedia - Intaglio Etching

Crabb, Bessie A.
Painter and teacher, North Adelaide, SA. Exhibited at the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880.
Crabb, A.
Miss A. Crabb was an art teacher who graduated from Perth Technical School in the 1940s.
The Cracks

by James, Sam.

7 channel video installation Commissioned by Performance Space for the exhibition Nightshifters, curated by Bec Dean, 2010. Scanlines

Video Installation

Cats Cradle

by Milne, Susan.

Auckland Museum, Auckland, New Zealand. Awards: Selected for "The Fletcher Challenge Award". Received Judges "Commendation". Sponsored by The Australia Council for the Arts