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Proctor, Thea, b. 1879
A well known and well loved Australian artist, Thea Proctor was prolific both as an artist and designer. A prominent figure in the art scene ...
Bartman, Thelma, b. 1964
Thelma Bartman is a paper maker and painter associated with the Euraba Paper Company of Boggabilla, NSW. Her acrylic paintings on handmade paper depict local ...
Scharf, Theo, b. 1899
Painter, etcher and art teacher, Melbourne-born Theo Scharf was a professor of painting and drawing at the Munich Academy of Fine Art in 1934-35. He ...
Strasser, Theo, b. 1956
Melbourne based painter and creator of artists' books, including collaborative projects with Peter Lyssiotis. His work has been exhibited in several solo exhibitions in Melbourne ...
Abel, August Theodor, b. 1802
This chemist, mineralogist and amateur artist had an interest in religious art. A German immigrant, he settled in Ballarat, becoming an active member of the ...
Anderson, Theodore
A prominent member of the Victorian Art scene, she was the only woman in a group that seceded from the Victorian Academy of Arts in ...
Costantini, Charles Henry Theodore, b. 1803
Portrait and landscape painter, lithographer and surgeon. Born in Paris, he was twice sentenced to transportation to Australia. He resided in New South Wales and ...
Hansen, Theodore Brooke, b. 1870
Talented young artist, showed early promise while at Melbourne National Gallery School 1886-93.
King, Theodore K.
A gold-miner on the Avoca goldfields near Bendigo, Victoria. Theodore King painted the First Parliamentary Election in Bendigo in 1855. He later exhibited two oil ...
Kirby, Theodore
Kirby was a painter whose signed work "An episode on the ship St. Malo crossing the line, November 3, 1854" is held in the National ...
Cowan, Theodora Esther, b. 1868
Sculptor, painter, potter and art teacher, born in Sydney, NSW. Resident of London (England) and Sydney (NSW) her later sculptural career seems to have ended ...
Macleod, Mary Frances Theodosia
Colonial female artist and musician whose drawings of Government House were appreciated by Governor Gawler's wife. The artist played harp and piano on Glenelg Beach ...
Ross, Theresa Napurrurla
Theresa was included in group exhibitions of Yuendumu painters between 1990 and 1992 in Darwin, Perth, Melbourne and Canberra.
Walker, Theresa, b. 1807
Walker received little formal education, but as a young woman showed considerable talent in the art of modelling. She would become very well known for ...
Baines, John Thomas, b. 1820
John Thomas Baines spent most of his life in Africa, although he travelled to Australia to join the North Australian Expedition of 1855. Always an ...
Baker, Richard Thomas, b. 1854
Richard Thomas Baker was one of the early supporters of the waratah as the national flower of Australia and to that end in 1915 he ...
Bird, Thomas
A watercolourist, Thomas Bird painted several Tasmanian landscape scenes that are now held in various collections in Tasmania. There is some uncertainty as to the ...