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Beckett, Clarice, b. 1887
Passionate about the philosophy and practice of painting and inspired by the teachings of Max Meldrum, Beckett practiced her craft at every available moment. As ...
Clarke, Anne, b. 1947
Painter and graphic artist, works in Sydney, New South Wales.
Clarke, Celina
Clarke is a Founding Director and Senior Industrial Designer at ISM Objects, a Australian designer and manufacturer of quality contemporary lighting. She has a 7-year ...
Clarson, Alfred
Alcorso, Claudio, b. 1913
Claudio Alcorso was the founder of Modernage Fabrics, Silk and Textile Printers in Rushcutters Bay, Sydney. Australian and NZ artists and designers produced prints including ...
Clay, A. Bennett
Professional photographer and resident of Tasmania and Victoria.
Clayton, B., b. 1805
Watercolourist and possible cartoonist. Resident of NSW, it is possible that there may be several B. Claytons.
Christesen, Clem, b. 1911
Painter and founding editor of literary journal Meanjin [first issued as Meanjin Papers] from 1940 to 1974.
Clements, Bill, b. 1933
Bill Clements has written that 'The human face, figure and story is at the heart of my concern as an artist.' The expression of these ...
Blackman, Clementine
Clementine Blackman is a Sydney based writer and curator.
Cleveland, Charlotte, b. 1819
A member of architecturally acclaimed Barry family - Cleveland's uncle, Sir Charles Barry, designed the British Houses of Parliament while her cousin, Sir John Wolfe ...
Professional photographer at Parramatta, New South Wales.
Clint, Alfred, b. 1843
A Colonial-era cartoonist, illustrator and scene-painter, Alfred Clint contributed works to the Ballarat and Sydney editions of Punch among others. Equally well-known for his work ...