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Tjungarrayi, Two Bob, b. 1938
Two Bob was one of a group of younger Papunya-based artists, including also Don Tjungurrayi, Maxie Tjampitjinpa and Michael Nelson, who emerged over the decade ...
Newnham, Ty
Adelaide-based cartoonist. Newnham wrote, "In my last year at school my teachers discovered I was good at sculpture. They banned me from doing anything else ...
Tye, Brenda, b. 1969
Brenda Tye was born in Malaysia in 1969. She is a printmaker specialising in the areas of custom and collaborative printmaking with other artists, and ...
Russell, Charles Robert Tylden RN, b. 1845
Commander in the Royal Navy and painter of seascapes who came to Western Australia and became harbour master at Fremantle.
Tyler-Sharman, Lucy, b. 1964
Contemporary USA-born Perth-based cartoonist, caricaturist, mural painter and world champion cyclist.
Tyndall, Peter, b. 1951
Important contemporary Melbourne conceptual artist and cartoonist.
Balcombe, Thomas Tyrwhitt, b. 1810
Although Thomas Balcombe did not enjoy working as a public servant, his position as a field surveyor afforded him the opportunity to travel extensively. His ...
Tyson, Geoffrey, b. 1911
Mid 20th century Launceston art teacher, painter and advertising artist. Known for sketches made while a Prisoner of War during WWII.
Stewart, Tyza, b. 1990
Tyza Stewart is a visual artist based in Brisbane, QLD.
Ugle, Primus, b. 1941
Bibbulmun/Noongar painter whose work was included in 'From Little Things Big Things Grow: Gather round people, I'll tell you a story' (2004) at the National ...
Catani, Ugo, b. 1861
painter, came to Australia in 1885 after training in the Academy of Art, Florence. Resident of Melbourne, Victoria.
Kaiser, Ulf
Contemporary Sydney caricaturist, painter and illustrator. Kaiser was a member of the Australian Black and White Artists Club and in 2002 he participated in the ...
Jorgensen, Hulda Ulivia Agt, b. 1860
Danish-born painter and benefactor, exhibited at the Royal Art Society of New South Wales as 'Mrs Tom Marshall' and, as heir to the estate of ...
, Mickey of Ulladulla, b. 1825
Mickey of Ulladulla was an Aboriginal artist active in the ninetenth century on the south coast of NSW. Five of his paintings were included posthumously ...
Ullathorne, Mary Emma, b. 1850
Francis Philomena Ullathorne was a member of the English Congregation of the Third Order of St Dominic who came to North Adelaide in 1883. Widely ...
Umbidong, Emantura, b.
A health worker in the Mutitjulu community at Uluru, in her spare time Emantura paints her Grandmother's country at Docker River and practices wood carving.
Unbehaun, Lena
Painter and embroiderer who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1905.