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Ashburn, Liz, b. 1939
Liz Ashburn is a feminist installation artist whose work has long been concerned with social issues, especially the impact of war and conflict. For many ...
Cunningham, Liz
Contemporary cartoonist.
Lizard, The
Early 20th century picture postcard cartoonist. Signed on comic postcards, all of which appear to have been gaudily coloured.
Cole, Lizzie
Lizzie Cole exhibited with the Victorian Artists' Society in 1892 and 1999.
Fitzimmons, L.J.
L. J. Fitzimmons exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1905.
Llewellyn, Janis
Late 20th century cartoonist. Image and short biographical entry is in 'Australian Black-and-White Artists Club Book of Originals' (1986).
Jones, John Llewelyn, b. 1866
Late 19th and early 20th century landscape painter