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Ernst, Elizabeth, b. 1915
Ernst's semi-abstract and naturalistic paintings, often consisting of bright colours with lots of black outlining, were auctioned at Deutscher-Menzies in 2002.
Chung, Esther, b.
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Anderson, Ethel, b. 1883
A well-travelled mural painter and writer, Ethel Anderson was considered one the most important supporters of modern art and its painters in the early part ...
Atkinson, Ethel, b. 1887
Potter, leather worker, china painter and designer. Atkinson set up the 'Ceramic Art Studio' with business partner Ada Newman. A regular exhibitor with the Arts ...
Barringer, Ethel, b. 1884
An accomplished artist across various media, Ethel Barringer became passionate about etching and was instrumental in establishing this medium as a core part of the ...
Bedford, Ethel, b. 1848
Exhibited watercolours of wildflowers with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1908.
Bloxam, Ethel Annie, b. 1870
Ethel Annie Bloxam was a founding member of the South Australian Society of Arts in 1892 and a frequent exhibitor, showing her work regularly until ...
Clarke, Ethel
Ethel Clarke was a watercolorist, oil painter, weaver and lacemaker. She exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts and Western Australian Women's Society of ...
Cook, Ethel
Cook, sister-in-law of Vida Althea Atherton, exhibited with the Art Society of NSW in 1885.
Ettrick, Donna
Participated in the 'Screen' exhibition at the 2002 Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth (BEAP).
Durran, Eugenie Bertha, b. 1889
Coming from a creative family and after studying at the National Gallery School, Eugenie had early success in her career as an artist. She was ...
Bostock, Euphemia, b. 1936
Bostock was a founding member of Boomalli Aboriginal art cooperative in 1987, for which she designed the logo. Her artistic career has included printmaking, textile ...
Bowman, Eva, b. 1893
Early 20th century Tasmanian artist, the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery in Launceston holds a watercolour by Bowman.
Buhrich, Eva, b. 1915
Buhrich studied architecture at the Polytechnic University, Berlin with Hans Poelzig, moving to Zurich’s Technical University, then England by 1938, later to Australia in 1939. ...