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Darbyshire, Beatrice Dean, b. 1901
A talented artist, Beatrice Darbyshire exhibited in England and Perth throughout the 1920s and 1930s.
Bonar, Deborah, b. 1974
Bonar Aboriginal heritage is Gidja and Yamatji. She is a graphic designer and artist who produces vibrant artworks with acrylics, inks and ochres which are ...
Deacon, Destiny, b. 1957
Destiny Deacon was a Melbourne based photographer, printmaker, mixed media artist, installation artist, broadcaster, writer and performer. She has shown her work in over 120 ...
Doherty, Brian, b. 1956
Screenprinter, artist and designer actively involved in 1980-1990 Brisbane artist-run spaces Red Comb House, A ROOM, That Contemporary Art Space. And in Sydney, Sydney Intermedia ...
Chapman, Dora Cecil, b. 1911
Painter, silk-screen printer, potter and art teacher. Resident of South Australia, New South Wales, and England, she was concerned with changing society through social realist ...
Black, Dorrit, b. 1891
A contemporary of Grace Crowley and Ralph Balson, Dorrit Black was both a painter and printmaker, particularly of linocuts. An active member of both the ...
Annand, Douglas, b. 1903
One of Australia's best known graphic and poster artists, Douglas Annand also had a distinguished career as a camouflage artist during the Second World War. ...
Croston, Douglas, b. 1915
Painter, photographer and printmaker, born Brisbane, Queensland.
Doyle, Andrew, b. 1774
Andrew Doyle was a botanical artist, engraver, printer and farmer. He was convicted of having in his possession paper carrying the watermark of the Bank ...
Duterrau, Benjamin, b. 1767
Duterrau arrived in Australia when he was 65. Already an established artist, he produced many Australian 'firsts' including 'The Conciliation' - the first history painting ...
Dyson, Will, b. 1880
Important early 20th century political, Dyson was appointed an official war cartoonist in 1916. Working extensively both in Australia and overseas, Dyson was married to ...
Altmann, E. A.
Richmond resident Altmann was an engraver who exhibited at both the Victorian Exhibition of 1872 and the London International Exhibition of 1873.
E. & R. Quarrill
Commercial printers in Sydney and Melbourne, specialising in prints of Australian urban and regional landscapes.
Earle, Augustus, b. 1793
Augustus Earle travelled extensively during his lifetime, producing paintings and lithographs of his travels in the Mediterranean, North & South America, the Pacific and Atlantic ...
Edgar, Edmund, b. 1800
Edmund Edgar worked in London as a house painter and engraver before being convicted of robbery and sentenced to transportation for life. He used several ...
Allen, Edward
Lithographer, surveyor and estate agent, Allen advertised his new premises in December 1857 at the corner of Charles and Cameron streets, Launceston.
Barlow, Edward David
Arriving in Sydney in the 1830s, Edward Barlow established himself as a successful printer and lithographer. Barlow was something of an entrepreneur whose work included ...
Bevan, Edward, b. 1854
Arriving from England in the 1870s, Edward Bevan moved to Townsville and established himself as a surveyor and later as a newspaper editor. He was ...