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Photographic colourist who worked commercially in Hobart, Tasmania, in the late 19th century.
Bassett, E. B.
An amateur photographer, Miss E.B. Bassett exhibited her works at the Bathurst Amateur Art Society Annual Exhibition of 1896.
Clark, E.
Watercolour painter and professional photographer in Melbourne.
Connor, J.
Connor was a photographer and engraver, known to have exhibited in the Melbourne International Exhibition of 1880.
Gibbes, E. B.
It would be an understatement to say that E.B. Gibbes was an indefatigable traveller. She documented all her extensive travels from 1905-1912 with photographs.
One of Victoria's earliest female photographers, Hampson specialised in collodion portraits of women. No surviving examples have been located.
Miss Hunt was a photographic colourist in Sydney in the 1860s. She worked for the Royal Photographic Gallery.
Missingham, Hal, b. 1906
Western Australian born painter, photographer, illustrator and author. He also had an active interest in design issues authoring a book, "Design Focus" for architects, craftworkers ...
Dunnett Jnr, Mitch, b. 1964
South Australian painter who had a residency in the Flinders University Art Museum in the 1980s and was included in Queensland Art Gallery's 'Balance 1990' ...
Mitchel, John, b. 1815
Sketcher, amateur photographer(?) and journalist, was an Irish political prisoner transported to Van Diemen's Land. He sketched Tasmanian views and took many daguerreotypes.
Mitelman, Jacqueline, b. 1948
Photographer, late 20th century.
La Moile, F.
professional photographer and painter(?), opened a 'Public Gallery' in Yarra Street, Geelong, Victoria, in 1856 with an exhibition of 'Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Objects of Art and ...
Bamberger, Molly
Bamberger worked across two seemingly unrelated media - leatherworking and photography. Despite spending two years travelling in Europe in 1935-26, she exhibited regularly from 1910 ...
Lyons, Molly
Prolific photographer and photography writer, in collaboration with husband Leo A. Lyons [died 27/01/1982]. Together with their family, Molly and Leo travelled through Africa, the ...
Byrnes, Mona, b. 1923
Painter and photographer, was born in 1923 on the Hermannsburg Mission Station in the Northern Territory, home of the Aranda Aboriginal painters.
Professional photographer, was working at Sydney in 1856. This is presumably the Monsieur Lacombe described as 'an amateur from Lyons' who exhibited photographs at the ...
Montagu Brothers,
Professional photographers in Sydney. They advertised in 1853 as 'artists' from Edinburgh and London now taking daguerreotype portraits at their studio, 333 George Street South, ...