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Hobson, Margaret
Natural history artist, her only recorded work is a sketch of the fossil teeth found on Mount Macedon, Victoria, in 1845. Her drawing was lithographed ...
Horder, Margaret, b. 1903
Painter, illustrator and commercial artist, she was a prolific and successful book illustrator. She illustrated seven books by Joan Phipson, two of them winners of ...
Laidler, Margaret
Sketcher, signed a watercolour of Newcastle (NSW) in about 1870 entitled 'View of the Infirmary, Gaol, Harbour Master's Residence etc. Taken on the Spot'. It ...
Freeman, Frances Margot, b. 1895
Mid 20th century Victorian painter who travelled extensively. Freeman exhibited with the Melbourne Society of Women Painters and Sculptors.
Larking, Louisa Margret, b. 1898
Painter, lived some of her life in Melbourne and painted Australian subjects, mainly still lifes and studies of her house. she mainly painted watercolours, with ...
Mahood, Marguerite Henriette, b. 1901
Prolific female artist, educator and historian who produced work in a variety of media during the twentieth century. She was awarded a PhD from Melbourne ...
Allport, Mary Louise, b. 1832
Only daughter of sketcher Mary Morton Allport. Minnie Allport's work mainly consisted of delicate watercolours of native Australian flowers, both single specimens and decorative bunches.
Avery, Mary Ann, b. 1842
Mary Ann Avery was an amateur sketcher. Her watercolour 'Grafton Preece Street opposite Fisher Park 1860' is in the Clarence River Historical Society (Grafton, NSW).
Badgery, Mary Ann, b. 1814
Marriage and nine sons meant that Mary Ann Badgery never realised her ambitions to establish herself as an art teacher however she painted and exhibited ...
Bellette, Jean Mary, b. 1909
Respected painter and illustrator of the 1940s and '50s and a two-time winner of the Sulman Prize.
Blaxland, Mary Ellen, b. 1815
The youngest of merchant and settler John Blaxland's 11 children, Mary Ellen Blaxland and her sisters were all encouraged to sketch by their mother and ...
Bundock, Mary, b. 1845
Bundock was only eight years old when discovered her love of flower painting, when family friend and flower painter Bessie Wilson gave her "a small ...
Burns, Mary, b. 1877
Participated in pupil exhibition at 15 years of age.
Clifton, Mary, b. 1822
Sketcher and resident of Western Australia.
Denison, Mary Charlotte
Sketcher, daughter of Sir William Thomas Denison, governor of Tasmania in 1846-54, governor of New South Wales and governor-general of the Australian colonies in 1855-61, ...
Englehard, A. Marie
Englehard's watercolour 'My Daughters Victoria and Ann, Perth, Australia. 1838' is perhaps more likely to be Perth, Tasmania as no Englehard is listed as living ...
Evatt, Mary Alice, b. 1898
Artist, social activist, art collector and Trustee of the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Evatt's best known work was an oil painting entitled 'Footballers' ...
Fletcher, Mary Ann
An art and schoolteacher who advertised as a teacher for young ladies in Hobart and Launceston, offering private drawing lessons.
Friend, Mary Ann, b. 1800
Though she travelled extensively with her husband, Mary Ann Friend captured early impressions of her new homeland, Australia, often depicting dry landscapes which highlighted the ...
Hammond, Mary, b. 1928
A painter, pastellist and sketcher, in 1992 the Age reported Hammond as saying, "I am not interested in painting decorative pictures. I always want to ...