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Vigano, Maria Teresa, b. 1884
Maria Teresa Vigano was a painter. She was born in Milan, Italy in 1884. With her husband she came to Melbourne in 1928. In Australia ...
Terrick, Edith, b.
Taught by mother and grandmother through their family's traditional practice. Also known as Aunty Eadie. A weaver of eel traps and baskets who has work ...
Terrick, Elaine, b.
Bairnsdale based weaver who has exhibited nationally and internationally. Won the 2007 Regional Indigenous Artists Award from Regional Arts Victoria.
Zettel, Tessa, b. 1980
Tessa Zettel is an artist based in Sydney, whose work includes printmaking, drawing, sculpture, installation, performance and design, with a particular emphasis on working alongside ...
McCaul, Tessie, b. 1908
Tessie McCaul was Head of art at Kent Street High School, the first woman to reach such a position.
Testar, Elizabeth, b. 1819
Elizabeth Testar (née Turner) was a painter and singer. In 1850 she arrived with her husband Thomas in Victoria. Testar became one of Melbourne's principal ...
TextaQueen, Arleen, b. 1975
Arlene TextaQueen was born in 1975. She creates images of nude performers and friends using texta colours.
Thalben Ball, Pamela, b. 1927
London-born and trained daughter of expatriate Australians, worked as a landscape and portrait painter in late twentieth century Sydney.
Thanakupi, , b. 1937
Ceramicist whose pottery was informed by the artist's sense of clay's sacred purpose within traditional ceremonial life at the artist's home in Weipa. Her pots ...
Thatcher, Maude
A leatherworker whose repoussé work won second prize at the First Annual Exhibition of the NSW Society of Arts and Crafts in 1907.
Costantino, Thea, b. 1980
West Australian artist and academic.