William Dobell came from a working class family in Newcastle to become one of Australia's most loved artist and the creator of fashionable portraits. He ...
William Paul Dowling was a painter, engraver and photographer. In 1849 he was transported to Hobart Town as a political prisoner. Dowling worked in partnership ...
Nicholas Draffin, who started his career as Assistant Curator of Prints and Drawings at the National Gallery of Victoria, was the first Curator of Prints ...
Painter of Irish origin, Duke produced numerous portraits, landscapes and lithographs. He also worked extensively as a scenery painter for various theatrical companies in Australia ...
A professional photographer and builder who worked as the resident photographer in Ballarat from 1854. His portraits of local characters, views of local scenery, buildings ...
A naval officer who served in Australian and New Zealand waters between 1861 and 1863 and produced over fifty known sketches from this time, including ...
Though most of Emery's paintings were of horses he also exhibited an occasional landscape or fruit picture. He worked mainly in Melbourne, moving to Queensland ...
The multi-talented Eustace painted scenes of historically important events in north-eastern Victoria. His landscape paintings on gum leaves earned him the title 'Bush Artist' and ...
Although primarily known as an explorer and surveyor, G.W. Evans's artistic efforts have considerable merit. His topographical vistas of Hobart Town, Parramatta and Sydney Harbour ...
Early 20th century patriotic wartime cartoonist. His work 'Rally Up, Australia' shows patriotic koalas leading the volunteers to the call for recruitment.
Although there were several other residences during the 1860s, it seems that Wagga Wagga was a particularly significant location on travelling photographer William Fearne's itinerary; ...
Ferris was an industrial designer who established Ferris Bros. 1934, and developed an automobile radio, Model 74 portable radio for home and automobiles. He had ...