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Xiancai Liu

by Liu, Xiancai.

Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS Wollongong City Gallery annual report

Liu Xiao Xian

by Xian, Liu Xiao.

Stereograph-like images in which the artist photographed himself in different personas, role-playing 'models' were sourced from existing Victorian photographic images. By presenting the original image ...

Australia: XIII Bienal de Sao Paulo, 1975: George Baldessin and Imants Tillers

by Baldessin, George Joseph Victor, Tillers, Imants.

Conversations with the bride, 1974, by Imants Tillers and Occasional images from a city chamber and Occasional screens with seating arrangements by George Baldessin. Source: ...

Station XIII (The deposition)

by Harris, Brent.

198 x 137 cm

oil on canvas


by Barth, James, Davidson, Katina, Jackson, Beth, Lawrie, Dana, Milinski, Julie-Anne, Poppi, Clare, Randell, Merri, Riethmuller, Leena, Serisier, Camille, Stone, Lynden , Wells, Shayna. Clark Beaumont.

Group Exhibition. CrosseXions draws together the work of 12 early-career, Brisbane-based women and transgender artists who are inscribing feminist and environmental concerns within their art ...

Station XIV (The entombment)

by Harris, Brent.

197.5 x 152 cm

oil on canvas


by Wolfhagen, Philip.

96 x 103.5 cm

oil and beeswax on linen

Xmas Painting

by Lewers, Margo.

27 x 37cm

Acrylic and gouache on paper on board