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Young, Noela
Young, a children's book illustrator, was made famous by her drawings for 'The Muddle-headed Wombat'.
Young, Beryl
Young was an associate artist of the Art Training Institute, Melbourne.
Young, Lucia, b. 1880
Young was a leatherworker and metalworker, who exhibited with the Society of Arts & Crafts of New South Wales during the early twentieth century.
Young, Tania, b. 1940
photographer. Born in Tientsin, China of Russian parents. With Pat Barblett, ran a photography school called 'The Studio' in Perth in the 1980s.
Young, Lisa
Australian still life painter.
Younger, Jay, b. 1960
Muttaburra born artist, writer, curator, educator and academic lives and works in Brisbane. Active participant of Queensland Artworker's Alliance and the Queensland ARI sector since ...
Younghusband, Eliza, b. 1840
Eliza Younghusband (c.1840-?), album compiler, was active in Adelaide, SA, in the 1850s and 60s. Her album is in the collection of the National Library ...
Irvine, Ysobel R., b. 1906
Painter, printmaker, designer and art teacher, born in Sydney on 23 January 1906. Her designs appeared on the cover of Art and Australia in the ...
Yukenbarri, Lucy Napanangka, b. 1932
Kukatja speaker and prolific painter at Warlayirti Artists in Balgo (WA). She developed a distinctive style with heavy dabs of paint.