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Chizlette, H. A.
Painter and resident of Ashfield, Sydney, NSW.
Art student in Sydney, New South Wales. Miss Clark exhibited with the Art Society of NSW in 1885.
Painter, exhibited with the Tasmanian Art Association in 1885.
Clarke, E.
Miss E. Clarke was an art student in Melbourne. She exhibited with the National Gallery School, Melbourne in 1889.
Cleburne, E.
Painter, was a sister of Margaret Cleburne.
Codrington, M. H.
Painter, was a member of the ladies' classes at the School of Design, Sydney, NSW.
China painter, resident of Sydney. Miss Cohen exhibited in the British ceramic ware section of the Western Transept of the Sydney International Exhibition in 1879-80.
Connor, J.
Connor was a photographer and engraver, known to have exhibited in the Melbourne International Exhibition of 1880.
Conway received an award at the Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition for an oil painting on satin.
Cook, H.
Miss Cook is recorded as having exhibited with the Art Society of NSW in 1885.
Miss Cooke exhibited with the Art Society of NSW in 1883.
Cowley, Lydia
In 1880 Lydia Cowley exhibited at the Melbourne International Exhibition.
Craig, M.
Craven, A. E.
art student
A number of articles and references in Joan Kerr's papers (NLA) refer to "Miss Creed".
Creed, C.
Colonial period artist, exhibited with the Art Society of NSW.
Cripps, Esther A., b. 1858
Miss Esther A. Cripps was a watercolour painter. She exhibited at the Sydney International Exhibition in 1879-80.
Crocker, C.
Miss C. Crocker exhibited with the Art Society of NSW in 1886.
Currey, Fanny
Fanny Currey exhibited at the 1880 Melbourne International Exhibition.
Curtis, Laura M.
Exhibited with the Victorian Academy of Arts.