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Donaldson, J.
J. Donaldson was a china painter. She exhibited with Western Australian Women's Society of Fine Arts and Crafts in the 1950s.
Drouhet, J.
watercolour painter and sketcher, showed two works in the 1869 Ballarat Mechanics Institute Exhibition: 'Descent from the Cross,' after Titian (a watercolour) and 'La Leçon ...
Ellis, J.
A watercolourist and lithographer who worked in Sydney in the 1840s and 1850s Ellis produced landscape paintings of Sydney and lithographs of its churches.
Fallon, J.
J. Fallon was a painter. His works were given a mixed critical reception when exhibited in Melbourne in 1864.
Garard, J.
A painter who worked from his premises in Sydney on transparencies in the early to mid 1860s.
Gardner, J.
Painter who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1949.
Goodrich, J. B.
Known for two oils, both attributed as views of the Blue Mountains in NSW.
Granger, J. H.
Worked in Queensland in the 1890s-1900s painting oil seascapes.
Hayward, F. J.
Late 19th century painter.
Hurst, J., b. 1957
Artist Jeanelle Hurst has been an active participant in the Qld ARIs sector since 1981.
Irwin, J.
Painter, exhibited Fruit, Boy and Dog and Flowers with the Victorian Fine Arts Society at Melbourne in 1853.
Jaasund, Canute, b. 1886
Norwegian born, Melbourne based masseur who began exhibiting paintings and collecting indigenous textiles from the 1930s onwards.
Bayne, Jacinda, b. 1975
New Zealand born painter, resides in Western Australia
Baird, Jack, b. 1902
Mid 20th century painter and cartoonist. Baird was a foundation member of the Society of Australian Black and White Artists, along with 24 other men. ...
Green, Jacky, b. 1953
Garawa artist and activist
Jackson, George
Watercolourist and master mariner, was master of the Socrates, which visited Portland, Victoria in about 1836. There he painted a watercolour, 'View of Portland Bay', ...
Jackson, J.
Painter and decorator, signed a naive, romantic, oil on board night view of a gabled cottage by the water with fishing boats returning home. Painted ...