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Razem, Bronwyn
Gunditjmara/Kirrae Whurrong basket weaver and painter based in Ballarat.
Rea, , b. 1962
r e a is an artist whose works across a number of art forms and new-media interdisciplinary arts practices.
Egan, Rebecca Nampijinpa, b. 1962
Artist originally from Yuendumu who took up painting whilst living in Adelaide in the late 1980s. She won the Kings Canyon Frontier Lodge NT Art ...
Reid, Leanne, b. 1966
Wadja Wadja artist who paints Queensland coastal and forest animal life.
Reid, Nancy, b. 1975
Port Augusta-based Aboriginal artist who participated in the 2008 'Ripples in the Sand' exhibition.
Nelson, Rene, b. 1955
Pitjantjatjara artist and member of the Irrunytju community whose paintings often depict the rockholes to be found around her birthplace.
Rennie-Gwaybilla, Reko, b. 1974
Kamilaroi stencil artist based in Melbourne who won the Koorie Heritage Trust Acquisition Award of the 2008 Victorian Indigenous Art Awards.
Brown, Reuben Ernest, b. 1928
An Aboriginal man from the Yuin people of the south coast of New South Wales, Reuben Ernest Brown was born in Brookevale in 1928 and ...
Oates, Reuben, b. 1993
Tasmanian Aboriginal artist who paints Australian native animals from the region around his home in the Huon Valley. Oates was taught to paint by his ...
Granites, Rex Daniel Japanangka, b. 1950
Warlpiri artist and leading figure in the Yuendumu community. Rex Granites paints independently of the local art centre, working directly with private dealers in Alice ...
Patterson, Rex Jupurrurla, b.
Rex Patterson, who often worked with his wife Valerie Napanangka Patterson, started painting in 1986. A devout Christian, he intended to study for the ministry.
Reys, Karen, b. 1965
Badjala mixed media artist who won the 2005 Moorjditch Mar-Daa Art Award.
Hart, Reynold, b. 1938
One of the most celebrated of the Carrolup children artists who created work at the Carrolup Native Settlement in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
Reynolds, Nyree, b. 1948
Nyree Reynolds is a painter. Her Gamillaroi heritage inspires her contemporary practice and her love of animals inspires her pet portraits. She currently conducts art ...
Reynolds, Mark, b. 1965
Painter who has shown in the 2007 and 2008 'Our Mob' exhibitions at the Adelaide Festival Centre.
Idagi, Ricardo, b. 1957
A Murray Islander, Ricardo Idagi was born in 1957. He is a painter, rock sculptor and ceramicist whose work is informed by the artefacts and ...