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Preston, Margaret, b. 1875
Margaret Preston specialised in still life subjects, seeking to reinvent the genre, with inspiration from Aboriginal art and Australian native flowers, but she also made ...
Price, Jane, b. 1860
Jane Price was known as a painter and poet. She was associated with the Heidelberg school.
Priest, K.
Exhibited a carved frame with the West Australian Society of Arts.
Prinsep, Henry Charles, b. 1844
Harry Prinsep was active in many parts of Western Australian society. Trained in Law and associated with the east India Company he worked as a ...
Prinsep, Emily Frances, b. 1874
She won the competition for "the design of a frieze with a distinctly Australian motif" in 1909.
Prosper Australia

by Jago, .

Attributed. The work was discovered among Annie Jago's belongings after her death, but uknown whether she is 'Miss Jago' or her sister.

Pryor, Oswald, b. 1881
Mid 20th century Moonta and Adelaide cartoonist. Pryor's last cartoon was published when he was 85.
Purves, Enid A.
Enid A. Purves is believed to have been an illustrator(?), her name is signed to an elaborate landscape pencil drawing dated 1900.
Q., N. E.
Federation era Brisbane - or possibly North East Queensland - cartoonist whose work was published in the Brisbane Worker in 1907.
Liang, Qichao
Photographer. Political activist for China's modernisation during the turn of the last century.