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Queens Theatre Adelaide South Australia

by C., C. W..

One of six views of public buildings in Adelaide.

Theatre decoration

by Opie, Edward.

New Queen's Theatre, Adelaide redecorated in 'the Parisian style'.

Theatre decoration

by Opie, Edward.

Redecorated the Royal Victoria at Hobart Town in 'Louis Quatorze style'.

Abel, August Theodor, b. 1802
This chemist, mineralogist and amateur artist had an interest in religious art. A German immigrant, he settled in Ballarat, becoming an active member of the ...
Costantini, Charles Henry Theodore, b. 1803
Portrait and landscape painter, lithographer and surgeon. Born in Paris, he was twice sentenced to transportation to Australia. He resided in New South Wales and ...
Hentschel, Theodore Paul, b. 1821
Engraver, lithographer and grocer, Hentschel arrived in Melbourne in 1849 where he ran engraving and lithography businesses until 1854. No examples of his work seem ...
Macleod, Mary Frances Theodosia
Colonial female artist and musician whose drawings of Government House were appreciated by Governor Gawler's wife. The artist played harp and piano on Glenelg Beach ...
Mort, Theresa Shepheard, b.
Art student of Conrad Martens in 1846-47. She married Thomas Sutcliffe Mort, a businessman and patron of the arts, at Christ Church of England, St ...
Walker, Theresa, b. 1807
Walker received little formal education, but as a young woman showed considerable talent in the art of modelling. She would become very well known for ...