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Wonderland Man

by Nain, Clinton.

101.5 x 76 cm

acrylic, bitumen, ink, varnish, cork coasters on canvas

Wood, Carol
Contemporary Perth and Melbourne cartoonist and comic strip artist. Wood conceived, drew and published 'Pox' magazine in WA with Susan Butcher.
Wood, Rick, b. 1949
Rick Wood was an accomplished potter who was based in regional Queensland and who included a range of traditional glazing techniques and contemporary decorative motifs ...
Woods, Beth, b.
Woods began painting in 2007 after attending an Aboriginal Seniors Art Group organised by the Cockburn Council of Western Australia.

by Birch, Stephen, Edwards, Deborah.

Birch's 'woods' are free-standing fibreglass trees, carefully crafted and yet obviously fake. His 'sprites' appear amongst the trees, on video and LCD screens. Source: Solo ...

Woolly mantle: Jennifer Robertson

by Robertson, Jennifer.

Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS BCAG exhibition archive; (21/01/04)


by Rowe, Patricia.

Curated by artist Ricky Maynard


by Condie, Bernice.

for Hobart City Council

Woolloomooloo Night (Her Hair)

by Gladwell, Shaun.

130 x 130cm

photographic production still from video, Lambda Durst print