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Schell, Frederic B., b. 1838
Frederic B. Schell was an illustrator for the American publications Harper's Weekly & Frank Leslie's Illustrated News. He was recruited to be the Superintendent of ...
Schourup, Peter, b. 1837
Peter Schourup emigrated from Denmark to South Australia in 1862-1863, settling in Port Adelaide. Trained as an artist and cartographer, he learnt photography from Professor ...
Scott, David
Professional photographer, trained at Edwin Dalton's Sydney studio in 1857. Scott is known to have been producing portraits by the autotype process in 1879.
Scott, Eugene Montagu, b. 1835
An incredibly diverse artist who demonstrated skills in a wide array of materials and styles. After arriving in Victoria from New Zealand, Scott flirted with ...
Scott, Harriet, b. 1830
Painter, illustrator, lithographer and natural history collector during the mid to late 1800s. At one point Harriet and her sister, Helena, executed almost all the ...
Scott, Helena, b. 1832
Like her elder sister Harriet, Helena was a professional artist and natural science collector and illustrator. She was an accomplished natural history artist and both ...
Scott, Margaret Cochrane, b. 1825
Late colonial-era Adelaide painter and cartoonist. Most of her art work appears to have been small in scale with numerous flower studies painted on green ...
Scott, Montagu
Montagu Scott arrived in Melbourne in the late 1850s and ran a photographic studio before illustrating the Melbourne Punch. He later moved to Sydney where ...