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Art Society of NSW

by Creed, Lilla P..

Three of her works were included in that year's Art Society exhibition under the name of the late Mrs Williamson as a tribute following her ...

Queensland Art Society, 1891

by Jones, Mary E..

The third Queensland Art Society exhibition was held in Gresham Chambers, Adelaide Street, in January 1891.

Art Society Exhibition

For painting

Solomon, Saul, b. 1836
Portrait painter, professional photographer, businessman, civic leader and politician. The La Trobe Library has a number of albums of his work and the Mortlock Library ...
Sommer, John Conrad, b. 1828
Continental photographer, house painter and drawing teacher, who liked to keep up to date with the latest fashions in photography for commercial purposes.
Sommers, John E., b. 1846
John (Jack) Sommers was a painter and illustrator with association with the Heidelberg School artists in Melbourne.
Souter, David Henry, b. 1862
Popular Scottish-born Federation period Sydney painter, cartoonist, poet and journalist, noted for his stylish cat cartoons.