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by Varcoe, Cedric.

Mural in gaol cell of Port Pirie Police Station.

by Lang, Gideon Scott.

Respnsible for original sketch for H.R. Smith's 'Mount Abundance Fitzroy Downs, Maranoa District'.

by N., E..

Pencil sketch depicting possibly Bowenfels near Irrawang, outside Lithgow, New South Wales.

by Napangardi, Eunice.

Commission for the new Alice Springs airport.

by Neill, Robert.

Illustrations for Eyre's Journals.

by Newall, Thomas Agar.

Decorated the interior of Wells's Royal Hotel, North Shore, NSW

by Newman, Ada Ione.

Painted medallions.

by Oliphant, Pat.

Original cartoon at State Library of New South Wales, Mitchell Library PXD 764. [presumably the Cold War one included in 1999 State Library of New ...

by Pantimas, Dick Tjupurrula.

In 1990 the central Water Dreaming iconograph from one of his paintings was used as the design for a mosaic in the new Alice Springs ...

by Paulson, Anne.

A Series of 52 Original Drawings from Native Bush Flowers

by Renny, Walter.

Work table painted in imitation marble with plate.

by Reveley, Henry Willey.

Commission for the Fremantle Whaling Company - excavation of tunnel under Arthur's Head, Perth, WA.(Extant).

by Sanford, William Ayshford.

Drawings in Robert Austin's Journal on the expedition to Shark Bay.

by Sanford, William Ayshford.

Designed Perth Boys School, St George's Terrace.

by Schemmel, .

Assisted Melbourne scene-painters, Harry Grist for the pantomime The Heathen Chinee; or, Harlequin Bluebeard.

by Smedley, John.

Designed Catholic Church, Tokyo, Japan.

by Smedley, John.

he supervised the erection of the Imperial Russian Legation, Tokyo.

by Smedley, John.

Designed Sydney Trades Hall.

by Sims, Bessie Nakamarra.

Mural for the South Australian Museum in collaboration with five other artists.