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by Smedley, William Thomas.

Drawings for 'The Picturesque Atlas' [of Australasia]. Trustees of Sydney Gallery.

by Smith, James.

Transparencies on city buildings to celebrate the Duke of Edinburgh's visit to Melbourne.

by Smith, James.

Moving Panorama of London from Old Thames, with Philip Barnes.

by Spong, Walter Brookes.

Painted backdrop for Much Ado About Nothing.

by Spong, Walter Brookes.

Painted backdrop for Comedy Banishing Melancholy.

by Tulloch, David.

Illustrated Australian Magazine : decorative cover and illustrations'

by Turner, James Alfred.

Album containing 1 photograph and 152 sketches of figure, animal studies and farm scenes.

by Voke, May Stanford.

designed costumes and decor for the local ballet Ulysses

by Williams, Vera Mbitjana.

stained glass window for Araluen Art Centre, Alice Springs, NT

by Monop, William.

Preserved drawings in a sketchbook amongst the papers of Daisy Bates in National Library of Australia

by Goodwin, Richard.

Participation in Olympic Design Studio, Sydney, NSW. International studio to design the masterplan for Homebush Bay

by Coventry, Frederick Halford.

New Zealand Shipping Company Almanac, illustrations

by Coventry, Frederick Halford.

Etched Glass Decorative Scheme for 1st class verandah Café, RMS Orcades I, screen in heat moulded glass. Client Orient Steam Navigation Company. Painting of the ...

by Coventry, Frederick Halford.

Study for an Illustration, chalk drawing. Exhibited in Drawings & Engravings by F.H. Coventry Exhibition, Twenty-One Gallery, London, 1930 (cat. 11).

by Coventry, Frederick Halford.

Illustrations for the Autobiography of Liam O'Flaherty, chalk drawing. Exhibited in Drawings & Engravings by F.H. Coventry Exhibition, Twenty-One Gallery, London, 1930 (cat. 12 & ...

by Cintra, Marily.

Liverpol Mental Health Care. Development of public art for the main entry, all patient rooms, gardens, staff areas and reception counters.

by Cintra, Marily.

Waterloo Play Ground artwork. Public art work involving local children and families of South Sydney Council.

by Cintra, Marily.

Consumer courtyard, Pialla Mental Health Unit. Spiral play area for visiting children.