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Sylke, Ann, b. 1805
Colonial sketcher and governess, who apparently made many beautiful drawings in her time at Launceston, Van Diemen's Land. She was threatened with legal proceedings when ...
McEwan, Sylvia, b. 1944
Sylvia McEwan is a painter and sculptor who lives in Canberra, ACT.
Covington, Syms, b. 1814
Sketcher, naturalist and postmaster. He became Charles Darwin's servant on HMS 'Beagle' in 1831. Resident of Pambula, NSW.
Syme, Eveline Winifred, b. 1888
A contemporary of many well known female Australian artists, Syme was an active member of a number of artistic associations. She was widely travelled and ...
Symes, Adrian, b. 1954
NSW-based artist Adrian Symes works across a range of media including painting, drawing, sculpture, performance, video and audio, and murals.
Synnot, Marianne, b. 1828
Colonial sketcher, wife of an Anglican clergyman. Sketched in her journal in which she also mentions watercolour works for family members and friends.
Szigeti, Imre, b. 1897
Mid 20th century Hungarian cartoonist and illustrator who migrated to Sydney in 1939. Before arriving in Australia Szigeti contributed illustrations to nearly 100 books, including ...
Atkinson, T. R.
Atkinson's sketch of the encampment at Escape Cliffs in Palmerston, reproduced in the Illustrated Melbourne Post in 1865, suggests that the sketcher was a member ...
Bartlett, T. F.
In 1888, a writer on the Mercury was enthusiastic about the artistic skills of T.F. Bartlett, an untrained but gifted artist.
Brookes, S. T.
A sketcher and illuminator who exhibited two works at the Geelong Mechanics Institute Exhibition of 1869.
Burgess, T. M.
Burgess's drawings are held in the Western Australian Museum. One signature - 'T.M. Burgess/ Noarlunga' - is the only evidence, however, that these works were ...
Graves, T.
1880s Tasmanian art student.
Green, T. Charles
T. Charles Green (Theraza Green) was one of the stars of the Patchs drag show in the early 80s. Her great numbers were a mix ...
Hall, T.
sketcher, little is known about this artist. The artist may have been the sister of Edward Smith Hall.
Kelleher, T. A.
Illustrator, known for an illustration of Biloela (Cockatoo Island) from c.1860.
L., S. T. J. S.
This artist's sketch, dated March 1824, seems to be a work in a series of copies and sketches after previous artists.
Light, T.
Sketcher, was catalogued as the artist of The Pets (medium unspecified) shown at the 1859 exhibition of the South Australian Society of Arts, Adelaide.
M., T.
Colonial artist who sketched the first drawing of St. Andrews Church in Hobart Town that was published as a lithograph by R.V. Hood.
Millor, T. M.
Sketcher, won the prize for the best pen-and-ink drawing, original or copy, at the exhibition of the South Australian Society of Arts.
S., G. T.
presumed alternative (misspelt) name for the artist S.T. Gill, whose casual attitude to spelling was notorious and used to reversing his initials for lithographs.