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Barnes, Doris, b. 1897
Interested in photography from a young age, Barnes exhibited her work in Adelaide and in England. A member of the Adelaide Camera Club, she built ...
Boyd, Doris, b. 1889
Her own achievement as an artist, and as decorator of her husband Merric Boyd's ceramics, has been overshadowed by the careers of her children and ...
Cottrell, Dorothy, b. 1902
Mid 20th century sketcher, cartoonist and novelist.
Black, Dorrit, b. 1891
A contemporary of Grace Crowley and Ralph Balson, Dorrit Black was both a painter and printmaker, particularly of linocuts. An active member of both the ...
Dufty, Alfred
Advertising as a marine artist and photographer, Dufty worked first in Fiji and then in Newcastle and Sydney, Australia.
Dundas, Douglas, b. 1900
Painter and illustrator, working from the 1920s onwards.
Duterrau, Benjamin, b. 1767
Duterrau arrived in Australia when he was 65. Already an established artist, he produced many Australian 'firsts' including 'The Conciliation' - the first history painting ...
Dyson, Betty, b. 1911
Mid 20th century cartoonist. Daughter of Will Dyson and Ruby Lind.
Dyson, Will, b. 1880
Important early 20th century political, Dyson was appointed an official war cartoonist in 1916. Working extensively both in Australia and overseas, Dyson was married to ...
Edgar, David
Painter who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1910, 1911 and 1913.
Collins, Edith
Early 20th century illustrator.
Cusack, Edith E., b. 1865
Painter and art teacher. Resident of Sydney, New South Wales.
Diederich, Edmund, b. 1854
Trained in lithography and photography in Germany, Edmund Diederich emigrated to South Australia in 1881. He worked for a short time in Adelaide before pursuing ...
Aldis, Albert Edward, b. 1865
Albert Edward Aldis, an English artist who emigrated to New Zealand in 1886. He lived and painted in both New Zealand and Australia, spending the ...
Colclough, Edward, b. 1866
Colclough's work focused on Brisbane and its environs and has a significance in documenting the development of the city. His most important contribution was his ...
Edwards, C.E.
Painter who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1929.
Edwell, Bernice E., b. 1880
Miniaturist, craftworker and painter of small landscapes. She was a founding Council member of the New South Wales Society of Women Painters.
Bode, Edwin, b. 1859
Edwin Bode was a painter and photographer who travelled throughout Queensland painting watercolours of homesteads in exchange for board and lodging. A longtime resident of ...
Cook, Eileen, b. 1906
Eileen Cook was born in 1906. She was a sculptor and modeller. Cook earned her living as a commercial artist, primarily as an illustrator, drawing ...