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Thatcher, Maude
A leatherworker whose repoussé work won second prize at the First Annual Exhibition of the NSW Society of Arts and Crafts in 1907.
Proctor, Thea, b. 1879
A well known and well loved Australian artist, Thea Proctor was prolific both as an artist and designer. A prominent figure in the art scene ...
Anderson, Theodore
A prominent member of the Victorian Art scene, she was the only woman in a group that seceded from the Victorian Academy of Arts in ...
Hansen, Theodore Brooke, b. 1870
Talented young artist, showed early promise while at Melbourne National Gallery School 1886-93.
Baker, Richard Thomas, b. 1854
Richard Thomas Baker was one of the early supporters of the waratah as the national flower of Australia and to that end in 1915 he ...
Bevan, Thomas
Thomas Bevan was a professional photographer in the nineteenth century who is known to have lived and practiced in Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane.
Bosley, Thomas George Dufty, b. 1867
Thomas George Dufty Bosley was a talented and professional potter who began his career at the age of nine, when he became an apprentice at ...
Carrington, Francis Thomas Deane, b. 1843
Prolific late colonial Melbourne cartoonist and art critic.
Case, James Thomas, b. 1884
Case showed an early talent for drawing and trained at Brisbane Technical College. He drew cartoons for many Australian publications. A proficient painter, he also ...
Dean, Thomas, b. 1857
Sydney based railway fettler and amateur oil painter with an art career lasting over sixty years. Dean was a regular exhibitor with the (Royal) Art ...
Henry, Thomas Shekleton
Federation period Sydney painter, etcher and spiritualist-investigator. Henry mainly painted watercolour views in the 1890s-1920.
Laidlaw, Thomas
Photographer, worked in Sydney at the turn of the century, often with Elizabeth Harris and sometimes independently.
Mathewson, Thomas, b. 1842
Scottish colonial male orphan who set up a photography business after being taught by an Ipswich reverend. By the time he died, his horse driven ...
Scanlan, Thomas Richard, b. 1860
Jeweller in Perth and Boulder who became a large wholesale manufacturer in 1903.
Symmons, Thomas, b. 1848
Late 19th century London and Perth painter and wood engraver. While in London Symmons engraved drawings by Henry French & Fred Barnard - "the Dickens ...