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Testar, Elizabeth, b. 1819
Elizabeth Testar (née Turner) was a painter and singer. In 1850 she arrived with her husband Thomas in Victoria. Testar became one of Melbourne's principal ...
8th Annual Royal Art Society of NSW exhibition

by Atkinson, Robert.

ALSO: 9th Annual, 10th Annual exhibitions

10th annual exhibition of the Art Society of NSW

by Hanson, Albert John.

Later called the Royal Art Society or RAS.

Anderson, Theodore
A prominent member of the Victorian Art scene, she was the only woman in a group that seceded from the Victorian Academy of Arts in ...
Hansen, Theodore Brooke, b. 1870
Talented young artist, showed early promise while at Melbourne National Gallery School 1886-93.
Third annual exhibition of the Art Society of NSW

by Brownrigg, Marcus Blake, Butler, W. T., Cantle, John Mitchell, Chambers, G. W. T., Tischbauer, Alfred.

"J.M. Cantle sends five pictures, in which the colouring is very crude. 194 [or 191?] _Hard Pressed_ shows promise for the drawing is correct and ...

1880 : Third Award

Third Award

Baines, John Thomas, b. 1820
John Thomas Baines spent most of his life in Africa, although he travelled to Australia to join the North Australian Expedition of 1855. Always an ...
Baker, Richard Thomas, b. 1854
Richard Thomas Baker was one of the early supporters of the waratah as the national flower of Australia and to that end in 1915 he ...
Bath, Thomas
Bath exhibited in the Sydney International Exhibition in 1879-80. It is unknown whether he was the photographer or simply the exhibitor.
Beckett, Thomas George, b. 1858
Thomas George Beckett was an avid amateur photographer who travelled to Australia in 1885 as a ship's doctor.