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by Norton, Kevin.

Also 2000 and 1997.

by Lopes, Steve.

Also 2005 & 2003

by Gillings, Jane.

Group exhibition

by Ahmad, Mazin.

Exhibition with 10 artists from USA, Germany, France, Australia Hungary, Philippines, New Zealand and Netherlands

by Chaitow, Tanya.

Solo exhibition

by Chaitow, Tanya.

Solo exhibition

by Friedeberger, Klaus.

Solo exhibition of recent works

by Evans, Suzy.

End of year exhibition.

by Evans, Suzy.

Naidoc Week group exhibition Works on Paper group exhibition.

by Evans, Suzy.

Group show with Gordon Syron and Elaine Russell.

by Evans, Suzy.

Included in group show celebrating the gallery's 20th anniversary.