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Vaughan, H.
H. Vaughan was an amateur photographer who advertised a camera and chemicals for sale in August 1865.

by Scott, James Fraser.

some sources give date on sketch as 1909

‘Venus and Adonis’

by Ramsay, Hugh.

54.5 x 100 cm

oil on canvas

Hackett, Deborah Vernon, b.
International entrepreneur, welfare worker, writer and china painter. A philanthropist who contributed to many causes concerned with the welfare of women and children.
Lorimer, Vernon, b. 1889
Early 20th century Melbourne trained cartoonist, illustrator and commercial artist. Most of Lorimer's illustrative work was done for the NSW Bookstall Company.
Cobb, Victor Ernest, b. 1876
Etcher and woodcut printmaker. Cobb worked as a professional printmaker in Victoria from the 1920s.
Mann, Gother Victor Fyers, b. 1863
Best known for being a long term director of the (then) National Art Gallery of NSW, Mann was also a talented artist and trained architect.