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Ham, W.
Sketcher, little is known about this artist other than the documented inclusion of one work in the 1861 Victorian Exhibition at Melbourne. Gender is unclear.
Hatton, W. S.
Sketcher, drew scenes of Australia and New Zealand in the 1850s and 1860s that were reproduced in the Illustrated London News. Despite the pictorial evidence, ...
Hutton, W. L.
W. (or N.) L. Hutton was a drawing teacher. In 1849 he took over the drawing classes at the Sydney Mechanics School of Arts from ...
James, W.
Painter or sketcher, was listed as the artist of 'View on the Clyde' shown at the 1859 annual exhibition of the South Australian Society of ...
Johnson, W., b. 1862
An art student and draper. In 1887 Johnson was among the students in the art class of the Technical College, Sydney who exhibited their work ...
Nicholls, W. A.
A sketcher who produced forty-eight works which were published in John Sherer's The Gold-Finder of Australia in 1853.
Opie, W.
Sketcher, who may be known as William Opie or W. Opie, showed 'Sleeping Child' in the South Australian Society of Arts First Annual Exhibition in ...
P., W. M.
A competent sketcher who initialled a large drawing of Chalmers Free Presbyterian Church in Hobart in 1859. The pencil on scraperboard drawing is currently held ...
Page, J. W. E.
J.W.E. Page is the disputed illustrator of the print 'A convict revolt in Williamstown Victoria, 1857, in which John Price, the head of the penal ...
Purser, W.
Purser was a sketcher, he is thought to have been a visiting naval surgeon. Little is known of his work other than an unidentified watercolour.
Rider, Thomas W.
Thomas W. Rider, painter and engraver, worked in Sydney during the late 1840s. He is best known for his illustrations in Heads of the People ...
Rose, W.
W. Rose was a sketcher and police magistrate in the 1860s. Rose and more than sixty other people were held up by the bushrangers Ben ...
Rushton, W. G.
Sketcher, exhibited at the 1869 Ballarat Mechanics Institute Exhibition in Victoria.
Russell, C. J. W.
Russell, a sketcher, sign-writer and architect. Abandoned Australia for England, showing at the Royal Academy in 1848. Only being lured back by the gold rush, ...
Scott, S. W.
Painter or sketcher. Scott's works were exhibited with the South Australian Society of Arts in 1859.
Scott, W.
W.Scott was a sketcher. He signed the watercolour 'A Race Meeting at Petersham'. The work was made around 1845.
Sedgfield, H.W.
Architect who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1896 and 1898.
Smethers, W. F.
Exhibited pen drawings with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1924.
Stevenson, W. M.
W. M. Stevenson, a sketcher who lived in Melbourne, had artworks in both the Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition and the Melbourne Public Library Exhibition.
Midwood, Thomas Claude Wade, b. 1855
Colonial period Hobart cartoonist, caricaturist, engraver, wood-carver and guitarist