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Atkinson, Yvonne, b. 1918
Painter and student of George Bell's. Melbourne-born Atkinson painted painted nudes, portraits and contemporary life scenes throughout the 1930s. Many later works are of Australian ...
Audette, Yvonne, b. 1930
An abstract expressionist painter and trained pianist, Audette's work was influenced both by music and the years she spent in New York in the 1950s ...
Boag, Yvonne, b. 1954
Scottish-born printmaker, painter and sculptor, Yvonne Boag, arrived in South Australia in 1964. In 1977 she graduated from the South Australian School of Art with ...
Cohen, Yvonne Frankel, b. 1914
Painter and resident of Melbourne, Victoria.
Gregory, Yvonne
O'Hara-Close, Yvonne Helen, b.
Yvonne Helen O'Hara-Close (Mrs), generally known as Yve Close, painter and teacher specialising in portraiture. Close was Runner-up in the 1980 Portia Geach Memorial Award ...
Zabell, Frances
Zabell was the manager of the Roycroft Book and Art Shop, Rowe Street and her work is described in M.M. Pearson, Tales of Rowe Street, ...