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Zinkeisen, Doris Clare, b. 1898
Zinkeisen was best known as a theatrical designer. She was chief costume and scenery designer for Charles B. Cochran's popular London revues. She also worked ...
Sports cartoonist working in the early 1930s.
Zipfinger, F.J., b.
Zipfinger was a commercial and domestic architect who designed the Seven Hills shopping centre, the One Two Three Milkbar, Double Bay, educational institutions and many ...
Zmak, Luciano
Zmood, Phillip
Zmood is an industrial designer, graduating from RMIT, then taking a design position with GM Holden. After 1968, he was a team manager developing the ...
Zoates, Toby
Cartoonist, did prison poster.
Freney, Zoe
Zoe Freney is an Adelaide artist, art historian and arts educator. She is a lecturer in art history at Adelaide Central School of Art, and ...
Langley, Somaya Zoe, b. 1976
Somaya Langley has a background in digital culture with a focus on sound and media arts, digital collections, festivals and events. She was Production Manager ...
Porter, Zoe
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Zofrea, Salvatore, b. 1946
Contemporary painter and printmaker
Zouch, Henry, b. 1811
Superintendent Zouch was in charge when the anti-Chinese riots erupted on the Lambing Flat (Young) goldfields in 1860-61. Zouch's only identified sketch is a watercolour ...
Zoureff, Dario
Zoureff's furniture and interior design work is known in Victoria although he had a parallel career as a painter, exhibiting in Melbourne in 1962 in ...
Zsoldos, Anna, b. 1964
Artist and photographer. Active participant in the Queensland ARI scene since 1985.