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West, Frederick Temple
Photographer and marine artist, had a photographic studio in Newcastle from 1895 to 1901. He employed artists including Reginald Borstel and Alfred Dufty to do ...
(The Westbury Quilt)

by Jane and Mary Hampson.

n.d. (c.1901-03, cotton 224.5 x 188.8 cm).

The western sky

by Hobday, Stanhope.

Queensland Art Gallery collection

Weston, Henry John, b. 1874
Cartoonist, painter, commercial artist and architect. Weston was a member of many clubs and societies, and associated with many of Australia's now famous cartoonists and ...
Weston, Nora Kate, b. 1880
Whilst studying woodcarving in London 'Chips' formed a lifelong friendship and working relationship with fellow student Eirene Mort. Upon return she taught woodcarving, carpentry and ...
Burgess, Arthur James Wetherall, b. 1879
Marine painter living in Darlinghurst, Sydney at the turn of the 20th century. Yachting posters by Burgess are also known.
McWhannell, Isabel
Watercolourist and art student, working in Sydney. Spoken of having 'a strong show of watercolor... very cunning in the intricate distribution of ... lines and ...
"Hello, what's cooking?!"

by Behmak, .

Rough sketch. One of a collection.

Pencil on paper