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Mason, Charles Voelker, b. 1825
Colonial male draughtsman and wood engraver who set up business with his brother, but there are no identified examples of his or their work.
Hartitzsch, Otto Von
Professional photographer, operated a photographic firm in Adelaide from 1867 to 1883. Hartitzsch also worked in partnership with Charles Hanssen.
von Petz, Ivor, b.
Photographer who was in partnership with James Manning in 1886 but took over sole charge in 1887 when Manning became an engineer.
Appleby, L. W., b. 1872
Appleby was a New Zealand photographer who trained with Falk Studios in Sydney and in Newcastle before partnering with Emma Manning in the Christchurch studio ...
Archer, W. H.
W.H. Archer was a painter who exhibited in the 1888/1889 Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition.
Barlow, F. W.
F. W. Barlow was a Queensland artist who exhibited at the 1888/1889 Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition.
Barrington, W. J.
It is not known whether Mrs. Barrington was the photographer or exhibitor of a photograph shown in the Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition of 1888-1889.
Bates, J. W.
Serpentine sculptor and engraver he was possibly the son of Thomas William Bates stonemason, woodcarver and monumental mason who arrived in 1842 and worked in ...
Bayly, W. D.
W.D. Bayly exhibited three works in the 1883 Art Society of NSW which garnered a favourable mention in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Belcher, J. W.
J. W. Belcher exhibited her work, 'Homeward Bound' at the Melbourne International Exhibition of 1888-89.
Bell, L. W.
Mrs. L. W. Bell exhibited a hand-painted table at the 1880 Melbourne International Exhibition.
Bennett, W. W.
A photographic colourist, Mrs. Bennett exhibited two examples of her work in the 1880 Melbourne International Exhibition.
Bevan, W.
Little is known of W. Bevan, who exhibited in the NSW Royal Art Society exhibition in 1883.