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Fearne, William
Although there were several other residences during the 1860s, it seems that Wagga Wagga was a particularly significant location on travelling photographer William Fearne's itinerary; ...
Ford, William Henry, b. 1868
Architect and designer who was educated at Scotch College and University of Victoria.
Forster, William
A marine painter who worked in Sydney and Newcastle in the late 19th century.
Francis, William Augustus, b. 1842
Professional photographer. Born in London, Francis worked in Adelaide, including in a partnership with H. Anson at the Photographic Institution, Rundle Street.
George, William
Initially working for himself in Bathurst, William then worked in a studio with the Freeman brothers, becoming its proprietor until he retired in 1900.
Goss, William, b.
Painter and signwriter who was a working member of the West Australian Society of Arts.
Hodgkinson, William Oswald, b. 1835
Sketcher, explorer, journalist, miner and politician. Hodgkinson had a varied career encompassing sailing, gold prospecting, participation in the Burke and Wills relief expedition and exploration ...
Johnson, William Elliott, b. 1862
Federation-era amateur topographical artist, lithographer and Federal politician. Johnson assisted his father as a scenic artist at Covent Garden in London before migrating to Australia.
Leist, Frederick William, b. 1873
Lleist was an early 20th century Sydney and London painter, cartoonist, war artist and teacher. He was an inaugural council member of the Sydney Society ...
Lindt, John William, b. 1845
Professional photographer, was born in Germany. Known as the first person to successful attempt the representation of the 'native blacks truthfully as well as artistically'. ...
Lister, William Lister, b. 1859
As well as being a prolific landscape artist, Lister was President of the Royal Art Society of NSW and a trustee of the National Art ...
MacIntosh, William Priestly
William Priestly MacIntosh carved ten statues for the Lands Department Building, Sydney, in partnership with James Fillans in c. 1890.
Macleod, William, b. 1850
Federation era painter, cartoonist, illustrator, stained-glass designer and businessman. One of the founding Bulletin artists and editors.
Madeley, William
Madeley & Cohen were the makers / carvers of the casket presented to Queen Victoria in 1897 from the people of Western Australia.
Marony, Patrick William
Federation era Queensland political cartoonist and oil painter. National Library of Australia owns 24 oil paintings by Marony.
May, Philip William, b. 1864
Significant English cartoonist who worked in Sydney and Melbourne for three years in the late Colonial period: "a rival to Charles Keene as England's greatest ...
Minchen, Ernest William, b.
Ernest William Minchen (Minchin) was known as a landscape painter. In 1869 he made his debut with the South Australian Society of Arts and continued ...
Morris, William Knibb, b. 1833
Sketcher, amateur photographer and salesman from Tasmania. Morris retained an interest in photography all his life.
Norman, William Chapman, b. 1837
A photographer, watchmaker, jeweller, flour miller and sawyer who worked in his father's business in Portland and Hamilton in Victoria and later in Mount Gambier ...
Paterson, William
William Paterson was a professional photographer. He worked in Melbourne in partnership with his brother Archibald. At the 1866 Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition, both of them ...