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Colquhoun, Alexander, b. 1862
Federation era Victorian painter and illustrator.
Fullwood, A. H., b. 1863
Leading late colonial era painter, cartoonist and illustrator.
Ashton, James, b. 1859
Influential Federation era Adelaide painter, illustrator and art teacher. Ashton, the father of painter Will Ashton, is best known for establishing the Academy of Arts, ...
Daplyn, Alfred James, b. 1844
Daplyn was an English born painter, art teacher, journalist, and arts administrator. Although his work is little known today, he was an important early advocate ...
Gasking, John, b. 1861
Federation era Sydney and Queensland sketcher, cartoonist and illustrator.
Hopkins, Livingston, b. 1846
A conservative and influential late colonial era Bulletin cartoonist, who came to Australia after a successful career in the US. He was known as an ...
Mason, Edward, b. 1845
English colonial wood engraver and painter who worked with his brother Frederick on numerous illustrations for a range of Sydney newspapers. He had many jobs ...
Minns, B.E., b. 1863
B.E. Minns was introduced to art by the young Charles Conder, with whom he shared rooms in the 1880s. He soon developed a successful career ...
Cohen, Morris E., b. 1866
Federation era Victorian caricaturist, illustrator and pastellist.
Mort, Eirene, b. 1879
Designer and craftworker, Sydney, NSW, she was a prolific designer of textiles and various Applied Arts, often featuring Australian floral motifs, and was well known ...
Muskett, Alice Jane, b. 1869
Federation era painter, illustrator and author. Residing for most of her life in Sydney, she was internationally exhibited.
Paterson, Andrew Barton, b. 1864
Famous Federation period journalist, author and balladist, is believed (not confirmed) to have supplied sketches as well as reports of the Boer War
Pole, Leon, b. 1871
Federation era painter, muralist and caricaturist. He died in Toronto on 31 December 1951.
Roth, A. Constance, b. 1859
Constance Roth, painter, cartoonist, decorative artist, art teacher and journalist, taught life drawing at Julian Ashton's in 1885. She departed Australia in 1892, travelling to ...
Souter, David Henry, b. 1862
Popular Scottish-born Federation period Sydney painter, cartoonist, poet and journalist, noted for his stylish cat cartoons.
Spence, Percy, b. 1868
Federation-era Sydney painter, illustrator and Bulletin cartoonist. Spence was born in Sydney but raised in Fiji before spending a number of years in England, living, ...
Tindall, Charles E. S., b. 1863
C.E.S. Tindall (1863-1951) was a Scottish born watercolourist best known for his marine images of Sydney Harbour. He was a notable member of the Royal ...
Roberts, Tom, b. 1856
One of Australia's most iconic painters, Tom Roberts was an early champion of plein-air painting and together with Frederick McCubbin, Roberts helped establish the famous ...
Treeby, George
Federation-era Melbourne magazine cartoonist, illustrator and writer. Treeby contributed drawings to the Bulletin and Melbourne Punch as well as contributing articles to Lone Hand.
Ward, J. E., b. 1866
Late colonial period cartoonist and illustrator. Painter of Birds of Paradise and native life in Papua.