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Beamont, John, b. 1789
A committed public servant, John Beaumont held various positions in Hobart Town with the colonial administration. Only one known surviving sketch exists, which is now ...
Currie, Jane Eliza, b. 1794
Miniature and watercolour painter, born in England, UK. Resident of Western Australia she painted some of earliest known views taken in the area.
Dalton, Edwin
A prominent society photographer, teacher to Queen Victoria and inventor of the 'Biotype'. His talent for portraiture was such 'you could almost speak to' his ...
Duterrau, Benjamin, b. 1767
Duterrau arrived in Australia when he was 65. Already an established artist, he produced many Australian 'firsts' including 'The Conciliation' - the first history painting ...
Garling, Frederick, b. 1806
Earning his living working at Customs House, Frederick Garling only had early mornings and weekends to spend on his painting yet he was regarded as ...
Macarthur, Emily, b. 1806
Female colonial artist of the famous Macarthur family who painted and sketched places where she lived and travelled, eventually establishing the Macarthur family home, Camden ...
Macarthur, James, b. 1813
Male colonial artist of the famous Macarthur family whose only known pictures are of Victorian landscapes, despite living in Tasmania and New South Wales.
Marsden, Ann, b. 1794
Female colonial painter and embroiderer who taught indigenous children literacy in her Sunday school at Parramatta, while exerting considerable influence on her father, the Reverend, ...
Marsden, Mary Ellen, b. 1806
Female colonial poet, watercolourist and sketcher who posed for another painter in the act of painting flowers, although no floral still-lifes by her have been ...
McCrae, Georgiana Huntly, b. 1804
A prolific painter. McCrae produced a variety of work throughout her life. She received much acclaim for her miniatures and portraits.
Stevens, George
Painter and photographer(?), exhibited twenty-two still-life paintings at the Royal Academy, London. Despite glowing reviews, Stevens appears to have had very little success in selling ...