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Annear, Harold Desbrowe, b. 1865
Born in 1865, Harold Desbrowe-Annear was an architect and teacher of drawing. His drawings for the Victorian War Memorial were illustrated in 'Art and Australia' ...
Barnet, Nahum, b. 1855
Nahum Barnet was an architect practicing in Melbourne during the late 19th century.
Cohen, Eustace Gresley, b. 1882
Architect and designer who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1920 and 1922. Cohen's architecture was distinctive and he designed furniture in ...
East, Hubert Springford, b. 1868
Tasmanian born architect and painter who worked in Melbourne, London, Cape Town and Launceston
Griffin, Marion, b. 1871
Working in the same league as Frank Lloyd Wright and Hermann von Holst, Marion eventually married and worked with Walter Burley Griffin on public and ...
Smyth, Marjorie Kane, b. 1888
Marjorie K Smyth was a modernist painter and designer who exhibited in Sydney in the 1920s and 1930s.
Vanzetti, Francesco, b. 1878
Artist, designer, metalsmith, architect, farmer, research officer and lecturer. He designed the "Certificate of Award" for the Coolgardie exhibition of 1899. Vanzetti also designed a ...
Waterhouse, Bertrand James, b. 1876
B.J. Waterhouse was a Sydney architect who was actively involved in the NSW art world during the first half of the twentieth century, both as ...
Weston, Henry John, b. 1874
Cartoonist, painter, commercial artist and architect. Weston was a member of many clubs and societies, and associated with many of Australia's now famous cartoonists and ...