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Anderson, Louise Kate, b. 1987
Sydney based conceptual artist, creative director & arts worker in the arts/ disability sector.
Darbyshire, Jo, b. 1961
Painter, designer, political activist and a member of Women for Survival, Jo Darbyshire has created a number of works highlighting feminist issues.
Haines, Jelina, b. 1970
Jelina Haines is a Filipino born Australian with an ancestral link to Indigenous Americas-Mexico. Academically hold degrees in fine arts, master's degrees in cultural and ...
Kelly, Deborah, b. 1962
Deborah Kelly is a socially engaged Melbourne born Sydney based artist whose work is shown and collected nationally and internationally.
McGilchrist, Erica, b. 1926
A painter, illustrator, dancer and teacher - taught painting at Kew Mental Hospital, was significant in the women's movement, and has had over 40 solo ...
Stephen, Ann
A poster "An Artist Like a Soldier without politics is an assassin." c.1975 designed by Ann Stephen and Michael Callaghan.