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Garling, Frederick, b. 1806
Earning his living working at Customs House, Frederick Garling only had early mornings and weekends to spend on his painting yet he was regarded as ...
Garling, Lilias Stuart, b. 1909
Painter and historian based in Sydney
Garrett, L.
Tasmanian watercolourist and schoolteacher exhibited at Hobart Town Art Treasures Exhibition in 1862-63.
Gasking, John, b. 1861
Federation era Sydney and Queensland sketcher, cartoonist and illustrator.
Gatliff, James
Watercolourist and clergyman who exhibited a landscape painting in Ballarat, 1869.
Gaul, Alexander
Painter and sailor, painted views of Geelong Brewery, one of which was painted on a piece of sail from the 'Milltides', the ship on which ...
Gavenor, Lance, b.
Lance Gavenor's acrylic on canvas paintings were exhibited as part of the 2006 'Gatherings II' exhibition in Brisbane as well as in the Mornington Island ...
Gedye, Mary Harriet, b. 1834
Tasmanian born watercolourist, Gedye started exhibiting her works after moving to Sydney and marrying. Her works were sent to prestigious European exhibitions and competed against ...
Geebung, Stanley, b. 1956
Stanley Geebung is from the Gungarri people of Augathella in South West Queensland. He works with synthetic polymer paint on canvas.
Gentle, Christopher, b. 1939
painter and art teacher. Gentle is known for his landscape paintings, Nevill Drury having once praised his "powerful bond with the dramatic landforms of the ...
Gentle, Ian, b. 1945
Contemporary sculptor. His awards include the Blake Prize (1979). Lives and works in Nowra, NSW.
George, May, b.
Though she claimed never to have received an art lesson, May Butler George exhibited her miniatures in Melbourne, London and Paris on a regular basis.
George, Esmond
Watercolorist who exhibited with the Perth Society of Artists in 1937 and 1939.