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Hollick, Ruth, b. 1883
Photographer, during the early 1920s established her reputation as one of Melbourne's leading photographic portraitists. She became renowned for her child photography.
Holmes, Edith Lilla, b. 1893
Painter, she spent most of her life in Tasmania, but also exhibited in Melbourne where her work was popular in the 1930 and 1940s.
Holmes, Pat, b. 1915
Photographer, she was apprentice to Harold Cazneaux in the early 1930s. In the late 1930s and early 1940s she ran her own portrait business, she ...
Holt, Zara, b. 1909
Holt was a fashion designer who began with a dress shop in Melbourne in partnership with Betty James in 1930. Her biographer, P. A. Pemberton, ...
Hopkinson, Roma, b. 1903
Painter, commercial artist and printmaker, a life long Sydney resident, the city was her main theme. Worked with her husband, sculptor Bim Hilder, exploring print ...
Horak, Yaroslav, b. 1927
Late 20th century Manchurian born Sydney comic strip cartoonist. Horak later gave up comics and took up painting.
Horder, Margaret, b. 1903
Painter, illustrator and commercial artist, she was a prolific and successful book illustrator. She illustrated seven books by Joan Phipson, two of them winners of ...
Horner, Arthur Wakefield, b. 1916
Mid 20th century Melbourne, Sydney and London newspaper cartoonist.
Horseman, Mollie, b. 1911
Mid 20th century painter, illustrator and cartoonist. Probably the most prolific female cartoonist of her generation, Horseman was almost certainly the most visible. Never out ...
Hortin, Nan, b. 1916
A committed member of the Communist Youth League, Hortin was also a foundation member of the Studio of Realist Art, and while in Sydney was ...
Hoy, Grace, b. 1875
Painter and printmaker, lived in the Sydney suburb of Newtown for the whole of her artistic life. She produced and exhibited monotypes and between 1922 ...
Hubble, Tom, b. 1903
Hubble was a camouflage artist during WWII. During the 1940s he also worked as comic artist and writer and sometimes self-publisher, signing his comics 'Hub'. ...
Hudson, Tony
Mid 20th century illustrator, caricaturist and journalist who worked in Sydney, Japan and London. Hudson's work is held in the Mitchell Library, State Library of ...
Hudson, Helen Leslie, b. 1915
Amateur artist who worked in oils, watercolour, charcoal and pencil. Based at "The Studio", Harkaway, VIC - formerly the Studio of Jessie Traill
Hughan, Harold Randolph, b. 1893
Although Harold Hughan admired the genius of the Song and T’ang dynasty potters, his own practice as a studio potter was devoted to developing a ...
Hunter, Judy
Judy Hunter was known as a painter associated with the Contemporary Art Society in Victoria.
Hurry, Polly, b. 1883
A painter. Examples of her work can be seen at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery.
Hustwit, Arthur, b. 1900
Although it has not been possible to identify individual ceramics by Arthur Hustwit he was the proprieter of the most significant school of pottery in ...
I'Anson, Jessie Rebecca, b. 1862
Accomplished South Australian lacemaker and needlewoman. I'Anson was widowed at 36, and used her skills to support herself and her family for the remainder of ...
Indich, Keith, b. 1934
Noongar artist who spent part of his childhood at the Carrolup Native Settlement, later recognised as one of the celebrated Carrolup children artists.