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Grant, Naomi Kim, b. 1959
Perth based painter whose painting technique involves layering coloured tissue paper under and over the painted surface.
Grant, Gwendolyn, b. 1877
She embraced no radical modernist philosophy; her belief in the virtues of restraint, knowledge, study and, indeed, the moral significance and nobility of art, tempered ...
Grant, Nancy, b. 1934
Known for spontaneous drawings in line and wash.
Grasse, Wolfgang, b. 1930
Mid 20th century German and Australian cartoonist, printmaker and painter
Graves, John, b. 1829
Like his father, Graves was a noted eccentric. He stood for Parliament several times unsuccessfully but continued to be passionate in helping the surviving Tasmanian ...
Graves, John Woodcock, b. 1795
A painter and composer, Graves worked in a variety of roles and jobs while living in Tasmania, advertising his various skills that included painting, composing, ...
Gray, Elizabeth, b.
Elizabeth Gray received a royal commission after presenting two vases made from black swan eggs on which she had etched 'some sketches of natural history' ...
Gray, Janine, b. 1954
Painter from the Scotdesco Aboriginal Homeland near Bookabie in South Australia. Paints for the Ceduna Aboriginal Arts and Cultural Centre.
Gray, D.
Miss D. Gray was a painter who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1904 and 1906.
Professional artist listed as working in Collingwood, Melbourne in the 1850s.
Green, Albert Tjampitjin, b. 1925
Kukatja artist who painted for Warlayirti Artists and lived in Mulan (WA). His work reflects a deep knowledge of Men's Law business.
Green, Annie Louisa, b. 1866
Growing up in a family who encouraged free, universal education, especially for women, Lou and her sister converted their family home into classrooms where they ...
Green, Douglas, b. 1921
Trained in art after serving in WWII. Won a travelling Art Scholarship to England with a realistic painting showing some very well known friends and ...
Green, Joe Japanangka, b. 1960
Warlpiri artist from Lajamanu (NT). He was a distinctive artist amongst his community who also worked in collaboration with his wife, Robyn Green.
Green, L.
Painter, signed a watercolour called 'Adelaide (South Australia) from Hindley Street', dated 1850.
Green, Robyn Napurrurla, b. 1962
Warlpiri artist from Lajamanu (NT), daughter of Louisa Lawson Napaljarri, who often works in collaboration with her husband Joe Green.
Green, Samuel, b. 1837
After running away to sea from England, Green ended up in New South Wales before he sailed to New Zealand where he subsequently stayed and ...
Green, Gina
Tasmanian Aboriginal artist based on Flinders Island whose jewellery is created from natural materials found in the bush and on the beach.