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Ogilvie, Helen Elizabeth, b. 1902
While working as the director of Peter Bray Gallery in Melbourne, Helen Ogilvie organised exhibitions for such avant-garde artists as Margo Lewers, John Brack, Sidney ...
Olday, John, b. 1905
Mid 20th century European political painter and cartoonist who lived in Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne in the 1950s and 1960s.
Oldham, John Bramston Russell, b. 1907
Oldham worked as an architect, artist, interior designer and landscape architect. Working for Stephenson & Turner in NSW, he later focussed on landscape architecture, developing ...
Opala, Rosemary, b. 1923
Late 20th century Queensland cartoonist, botanical illustrator, painter, journalist and short-story writer. Opala became a nurse during WW2, wanting to do 'something useful' and many ...
Orban, Desiderius, b. 1884
Desiderius Orban came to Australia from Hungary as a refugee from Hitler's European invasion. His intuitive modernist approach was especially reflected in his practice as ...
Passmore, John, b. 1904
When John Passmore returned to Sydney from an extended stay in Europe in 1951 he galvanised a generation of young painters. They were led to ...
Pate, Klytie, b. 1912
A potter and printmaker who was encouraged by her aunt, Christian Waller and uncle, Napier Waller, to pursue a career in art. In 1947, Pate, ...
Paterson, Betty, b. 1895
Mid 20th century Melbourne painter, cartoonist, violinist and singer. Sister of Esther Paterson.
Paterson, Elizabeth
Mid 20th century Melbourne and Gippsland painter, illustrator, commercial artist and cartoonist
Paterson, Esther, b. 1892
Mid 20th century Melbourne cartoonist, painter and commercial artist. Sister of fellow artist Betty Paterson.
Pecket, Christine Audrey, b. 1908
Despite her severe physical disabilities caused by polio, Sydney-based artist Christine A. Pecket was a talented artist working in various media including painting, printmaking, sculpture, ...
Pedersen, Ella Lilian, b. 1898
Ella Lilian Pedersen was a painter, illuminator, illustrator, weaver, potter, leather-worker, embroiderer, jeweller and enameller. In 1941, with Mona Elliott, she founded the Half Dozen ...
Perry, Adelaide, b. 1891
Painter, printmaker and art teacher with her own studios and art schools in Sydney. Perry also studied, worked and exhibited in London and Paris. Her ...
Pestell, Margaret, b. 1894
Printmaker and painter, trained at NGV School in late 1920s then lived and worked in England. On her return, she exhibited continuously with the Melbourne ...
Phillips, James Grainger, b. 1915
Mid 20th century Perth and Sydney painter and illustrator.
Philpot, Ernest Sidney, b. 1906
Painter, signwriter, poster artist and muralist who exhibited internationally and had a long association with art societies in Victoria and Western Australia.
Pidgeon, William Edwin, b. 1909
Popular mid 20th century Sydney cartoonist, illustrator, painter, sculptor and art critic. Pidgeon won the Archibald Prize three times - in 1958, 1961 and 1969, ...
Pitman, Clare, b. 1905
Clare Pitman (née McMahon) was a sculptor, ceramicist, painter, photographer, poet, pacifist, garden designer, horsewoman and sometime riding teacher. She studied painting and drawing at ...
Pye, Mabel, b. 1894
Mabel Pye was a printmaker, the National Gallery of Australia currently holds eleven of her prints.
Pyke, Guelda Esther Leah, b. 1905
Australian ceramist, jewellery and fashion designer who, after visits to Bali and training with George Bell, took up painting in the 1950s and worked in ...