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Jagamara, Malcolm, b. 1955
A Warlpiri artist, Jagamarra was first a successful footballer in Adelaide before returning to Willowra (NT) in 1976 and embarking on his Aboriginal education, which ...
Jago, Graham, b. 1957
Sydney based architect and artist born in 1957. In 2005 Jago exhibited in the Mary Place Gallery exhibition 'In the Sole of the Architect'.
Jakamarra, Jacko, b.
Katurrngarruru artist who often works with his two wives, Susan Napaljarri and Lizzie Napaljarri. He was in the original group of painters from Lajamanu (NT).
James, Irene Napurrurla, b. 1963
Warlpiri artist from Lajamanu (NT) who often worked with her husband, Joe James. The daughter of artist Lizzie Napaljarri.
James, Joe Japanangka, b.
Warlpiri artist who often paints with his wife, Irene James. He also works as a police aide at Lajamanu (NT).
James, Mabel Napurrurla, b. 1955
A Warlpiri artist from Lajamanu (NT) who started painting in 1987.
James, W.
Painter or sketcher, was listed as the artist of 'View on the Clyde' shown at the 1859 annual exhibition of the South Australian Society of ...
James, W.
Painter, exhibited two works in the 1849 exhibition of the Society for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Australia. The Sydney Morning Herald reviewer ...
James, Anton, b. 1962
Anton James was born in Melbourne in 1962. He is a landscape architect, based in Sydney, who specialises in innovative public art and design projects.
Jamieson, Gil, b. 1934
Late 20th century painter and cartoonist. He went to Brisbane to study at Central Technical College under Melville Haysom.
Jamison, Frederic
Painter and scene-painter, advertised that he would design and paint transparencies for the Sydney celebrations for the marriage of the Prince of Wales in 1863.
Jampijinpa, Denny, b. 1950
Anmatayerre artist and traditional Aboriginal medicine man who lives in Nyirrpi. His heritage country is Mt Allan (NT).
Jangala, Abie, b. 1919
Warlpiri artist and important ceremonial leader, Jangala was also known as the 'grand old man' of Lajamanu painting. He had his first solo exhibition at ...
Jangala, Benny, b. 1925
Pintupi artist born around Kintore and who lived at Nyirrpi. He painted occasionally for Papunya Tula in the 1990s.
Jangala, Toby, b. 1945
Warlpiri artist who lives in Lajamanu (NT) and began painting in 1986. Jangala works with his wife Pampirriya Nungarrayi Burns.
Jans, Jack, b. 1992
Jack Andrew Wilkie-Jans is an artist, artsworker, curator and events and exhibitions coordinator. His tribal Grandmother was the late Thancoupie/ Thanakupi, Dr Gloria Fletcher James ...
Janssen, Jacob, b. 1779
Landscape, still-life and portrait painter, was born 1779 at Einlage, Prussia. He was trained by Signor Piesio Ancora, a member of the School of Naples, ...
Japaljarri, Johnny, b.
Warlpiri artist from Willowra (NT) who taught the children at his local school their Dreamings. He works with a range of media, including acrylic on ...
Japanangka, Frank, b. 1925
Anmatyerre artist and leading figure in the Mt Allan community, Japanangka paints Honey Ant and Witchetty Dreamings for his country Yuelamu (NT).