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Tjapaltjarri, Cameron, b. 1950
Cameron painted at Kintore for about a decade from 1987 under the instruction of Mick Namarari Tjapaltjarri and Benny Tjapaltjarri. He later dedicated himself to ...
Tjapaltjarri, Benny, b. 1930
Born west of Kintore, NT, Tjapaltjarri's first attempts at painting for Papunya Tula Artists were in the early '70s. He painted more regularly after the ...
Tjapaltjarri, Cassidy, b. 1923
Amnatyerre artist, and prominent figure in the Napperby community, his work has been exhibited at Hogarth Galleries in Sydney.
Tjapaltjarri, George, b. 1950
Pintupi artist and Aboriginal doctor who lived at Papunya, Yuendumu, Balgo and Walungurru (Kintore) before settling back in Kiwirrkura, near where he was born. He ...
Tjapaltjarri, Goodwin, b. 1950
Initially a stockman, Goodwin took up painting in the early 1980s through close contact with senior artists such as Mick Namarari, Charlie Egalie and Turkey ...
Tjapaltjarri, Hilary, b. 1940
Pintupi artist who previously worked as a stockman. He experimented with a few small boards in Papunya in the early 1970s and once settled in ...
Tjapaltjarri, John, b. 1940
Pintupi artist who may have painted occasionally for Papunya Tula Artists in the early 1970s, and began painting regularly for the company in the late ...
Tjapanagka, Long Tom, b. 1930
Pintupi/Ngaatjatjara artist who began painting in 1993 and was awarded the Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award in 1999.
Tjapanangka, George, b. 1938
Pintupi artist who painted for Papunya Tula Artists from the late 1980s and lived at Kintore (NT).
Tjapanangka, Morris, b. 1944
Anmatyerre artist who paints stories of his country around Mt Denison. He lives at Napperby (NT).
Tjapanangka, Pinta Pinta, b. 1927
Pintupi speaker who joined the group of painters at Papunya in the early 1970s. He later moved to Kintore (NT) and was cast as the ...
Tjapangati, Brogas, b. 1949
Tjapangati began painting in Papunya (NT) in 1984 after carving for many years, a skill which he also taught to students at Papunya School. He ...
Tjapangati, Charlie, b. 1949
Pintupi artist, now based at Kintore, who commenced painting for Papunya Tula Artists in the late 1970s. He travelled to the USA with the exhibition, ...
Tjapangati, Kanya, b. 1951
Pintupi artist who moved between several Western Desert communities before settling in Kiwirrkura (WA). He received instruction from his elders at Papunya, evolving his own ...
Tjapangati, Limpi, b. 1930
One of the pioneer painters of Papunya whose distinct aesthetic ('Haasts Bluff') style influenced the work of his artist colleagues. An Arrente and Luritja speaker, ...
Tjapangati, Tutuma, b. 1915
One of the first Pintupi to own his own camels and one of the original Papunya Tula Artists, Tutuma was always eager to depict his ...
Tjulyata, Topsy, b. 1931
Topsy Tjulyata is a carver and decorator of puṉu, burning the story of the Seven Sisters into the wood.
Tjungarrayi, Don, b. 1939
Warlpiri/Luritja artist who commenced painting for Papunya Tula Artists in the late 1970s. He won the Alice Springs art prize in 1986, and his work ...
Tjungarrayi, Two Bob, b. 1938
Two Bob was one of a group of younger Papunya-based artists, including also Don Tjungurrayi, Maxie Tjampitjinpa and Michael Nelson, who emerged over the decade ...
Tjungarrayi, Willy, b. 1930
Began painting for Papunya Tula Artists in 1976 and after three decades is one of the most senior Pintupi men painters.