Terry Dorrough was a notable Sydney architect in the 1960s and 1970s, contributing to the organic-regional architecture movement known as 'the Sydney School'.
Gerard Doube, in partnership with Isobel Doube began a furniture company in 1953. Gerard trained at the Melbourne Technical College and the Natl Gallery School. ...
Isobel Doube, in partnership with Gerard Doube began a furniture company in 1953. They worked as artists, furniture designers and makers, later turning to fashion. ...
Charles Alphonse Doudiet was a sketcher, carpenter and gold digger. Born in Switzerland, he arrived at Port Phillip in 1852. Christie's Australia sold Doudiet's sketchbook ...
John was an active participant in the 1980's QLD ARI sector, including the Tropical Artist Guild located in Cairns and That Contemporary Art Space in ...