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Gow, David
Working on George Street, Sydney in the mid 1850's.
Gow, James
Professional photographer who regularly showed at International Exhibitions in Paris and London.
Gow, William
Professional photographer working in Sydney in the mid 1950's.
Graham, Vernon, b. 1955
Palawa photographer and craftsman who grew up on Flinders Island, and now lives in Launceston.
Grasshoff, C.
Professional photographer, in partnership wth Melchoir in Melbourne in the early 1850's.
Gray, Elizabeth, b.
Elizabeth Gray received a royal commission after presenting two vases made from black swan eggs on which she had etched 'some sketches of natural history' ...
Gray, Robyn, b. 1960
Brisbane born and based photographer and artist. Active participant in the Qld ARI sector since 1985 including The Observatory Collective.
Green, Alice, b. 1909
Although she abandoned her early photographic pursuits after she married, Alice enjoyed photographing her brother and a friend with her first camera in her early ...
Green, Arthur
Professional photographer working mainly in Sydney in the late 1850-60's.
Greenfield, S.
Greenfield was a photographer who won a first order of Merit at the 1881 International Exhibition in Perth.
Gregory, George, b. 1843
Gregory worked in Auckland where he opened a photographic studio, painted landscapes and still lifes and carved pew ends and altars for New Zealand churches.
Gregory, Yvonne
Gregory, George William, b. 1832
Gregory is known for a posthumous photograph that he took of the bushranger Lowry in 1863 that was reproduced in the Illustrated Melbourne Post. He ...
Grewar, Wilfred
One of the Grewar Brothers, who were known as photographers based in South Australia.
Gribble, C.
An amateur photographer who took a photograph in 1865 of the staff standing outside Young & Company's produce store in Ballarat, Victoria.
Griffiths, Thomas
Thomas Griffiths was a travelling photographer. In 1867 he was charged with stealing '2 cameras, 2 lenses, and stands' from Henry Kerr. No arrest, however, ...
Gritten, Henry, b. 1818
Henry Gritten was a painter and professional photographer. He 'enjoyed the favour of Prince Albert, the Duke of Norfolk and the Marquis of Westminster'. Gritten ...
Groom, Amala, b. 1979
Amala Groom is a proud Wiradjuri artist who utilizes a decolonising methodology to inform her creative process. Her practice can be described as multi-disciplinary and ...